10% Off Van Hire
If you’ve made the right decision to store with us at Plymouth Self Storage, the next step is moving all of your belongings into our secure premises! Luckily we’ve thought of a way to help make the move easier – all Plymouth Self Storage customers now receive 10% off van hire!
And now in conjunction with Practical Car and Van Hire, any customers booking at least 35 square feet of space for 3 months or more can take advantage of our great partnership for free! You can use one of our trustworthy vans to help you move into our premises and start your tenancy. So get in touch with one of our team members for information.
If the idea of moving all of your belongings, or just a few heavy ones, brings dread, let us help you! Our sister company Hackworthy & Sons are professional removers. With Hackworthy there’s no minimum charge, plus at an hourly rate of just £47.50 it’s a great way to save the time and effort of moving the contents of your storage unit yourself.
From a single room to a 4 bedroom home, Hackworthy & Sons can offer a comprehensive removal service. Visit their website for more information or for a quick quote!